Grow And Take Care Of Hedge Plants In Ontario

How to Grow and Take Care of Hedge Plants in Ontario

If you’re a proud homeowner in Ontario, you know that having a well-maintained garden or yard adds tremendous value to your property. One of the best ways to enhance the beauty and functionality of your outdoor space is by planting a hedge. Hedges not only provide privacy but also act as natural windbreaks, reduce noise pollution, and create a stunning aesthetic appeal.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the best hedge plants for Ontario’s climate, share tips on how to grow and take care of hedges palnts, and discuss the importance of professional hedge planting services in achieving a thriving, picturesque hedge.

Choosing the Best Hedge Plants for Ontario-

Before you start digging and planting, it’s crucial to select the right hedge plants that will thrive in Ontario’s climate. Factors to consider include hardiness, soil adaptability, and maintenance requirements. Here are some of the best hedge plants for Ontario:
1. Arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis):
Arborvitae, also known as white cedar, is a popular choice for hedges in Ontario. It’s hardy and can withstand cold winters. Arborvitae grows well in a variety of soils, making it versatile for different garden types.
2. Boxwood (Buxus spp.):
Boxwood hedges are classic and elegant. They are relatively low-maintenance and are well-suited for formal garden designs. Ensure they have well-draining soil and receive adequate sunlight.
3. Yew (Taxus spp.):
Yew hedges offer year-round interest with their dense, dark green foliage. They are cold-hardy and can thrive in a range of soil types. However, ensure they get partial to full sun.
4. Lilac (Syringa spp.):
Lilac hedges are known for their fragrant flowers and can add a touch of beauty to your garden. They prefer well-drained soil and plenty of sunlight.
5. Forsythia (Forsythia spp.):
Forsythia hedges are great for early spring blooms. They are low-maintenance and thrive in well-drained soil and full sun to partial shade.
6. Hemlock (Tsuga spp.):
Hemlock hedges offer a graceful appearance with their feathery foliage. They prefer moist, well-draining soil and partial to full shade.
7. Cedar (Cedrus spp.):
Cedar hedges, such as the Eastern Red Cedar, are hardy and provide year-round coverage. They prefer well-drained soil and full sun.

Once you’ve selected the right hedge plant for your Ontario garden, it’s time to get your hands dirty and start planting.

Planting Your Hedge: Step-by-Step Guide-

Proper planting is crucial for the health and longevity of your hedge. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:
1. Choose the Right Location:
Select a location that receives the appropriate amount of sunlight for your chosen hedge plant. Ensure it’s well-drained to prevent waterlogged roots.
2. Prepare the Soil:
Clear the area of any weeds, rocks, or debris. Loosen the soil to a depth of at least 18 inches. You can improve the soil’s quality by adding organic matter like compost.
3. Dig a Trench:
Dig a trench that’s slightly wider and deeper than the root ball of your hedge plants. The depth should be enough to accommodate the roots comfortably.
4. Place the Plants:
Remove the hedge plants from their containers and place them in the trench. Ensure the top of the root ball is level with the ground surface.
5. Spacing:
Follow the recommended spacing guidelines for your specific hedge plant. Proper spacing is crucial for the hedge to grow and fill in evenly.
6. Backfill the Trench:
Fill the trench with soil, pressing it down gently to eliminate air pockets. Water the newly planted hedge thoroughly to settle the soil.
7. Mulch:
Apply a layer of mulch around the base of the hedge to conserve moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.
8. Watering:
Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged during the first growing season. Once established, most hedge plants are drought-tolerant, but regular watering is essential during dry spells.
9. Pruning:
Prune your hedge regularly to encourage bushy growth and maintain the desired shape. The timing and frequency of pruning may vary depending on the hedge plant type.

Hedge Planting Services in Ontario-

While planting a hedge can be a rewarding DIY project, many homeowners in Ontario opt for professional hedge planting services to ensure the best results. Here are some reasons why you might consider hiring experts like ‘ The Planting Guys ‘ for your hedge planting needs:
1. Expertise:
Professional hedge planting services have the knowledge and experience to choose the right hedge plants for your specific location and requirements. They understand the local climate and soil conditions, ensuring a higher likelihood of success.
2. Efficiency:
Planting a hedge can be time-consuming, especially if you have a large area to cover. Professional services have the tools and manpower to complete the job efficiently, saving you time and effort.
3. Proper Preparation:
Experts will prepare the soil thoroughly, ensuring optimal growing conditions for your hedge plants. This includes soil testing, amendment, and drainage considerations.
4. Correct Spacing and Alignment:
Achieving the right spacing and alignment is crucial for a uniform and attractive hedge. Professional planters have the expertise to ensure your hedge looks its best.
5. Ongoing Care:
Many hedge planting services offer ongoing maintenance and care packages, including pruning, fertilizing, and pest control. This ensures your hedge remains healthy and vibrant year after year.
6. Insurance:
Reputable hedge planting services are typically insured, giving you peace of mind in case of any unforeseen issues or accidents during the planting process.

Caring for Your Hedge in Ontario-

After your hedge is planted, proper care is essential to ensure its long-term health and beauty. Here are some key care tips for maintaining your hedge in Ontario:

  1. Watering:

    During the first year, regular watering is crucial to help the roots establish themselves. Afterward, water during dry spells to prevent drought stress.

  2. Fertilization:

    Apply a balanced fertilizer in the spring to promote healthy growth. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for dosage and application.

  3. Pruning:

    Prune your hedge to maintain its shape and encourage dense growth. Different hedge plants require varying pruning schedules, so consult with a professional or do some research on your specific plant type.

  4. Mulching:

    Replenish the mulch around your hedge regularly to retain moisture, suppress weeds, and insulate the soil.

  5. Pest and Disease Management:

    Keep an eye out for common pests and diseases that can affect your hedge plants. Early detection and appropriate treatment are essential.

  6. Winter Protection:

    Protect your hedge from heavy snowfall and winter winds by erecting burlap screens or barriers. This will help prevent breakage and damage.

Read More:

  1. How To Create Landscape Designs To Beautify Your Spaces
  2. A Guide For Choosing Deciduous And Coniferous Trees For Gardening Success


Now understanding how to grow and take care of hedge plants in Ontario can transform your outdoor space into a lush, inviting haven. By choosing the right hedge plants, following proper planting techniques, and considering professional hedge planting services, you can create a picturesque and functional landscape that adds value and beauty to your property. Remember that a thriving hedge requires ongoing care and maintenance, so dedicate the time and effort needed to enjoy the rewards of a beautiful, healthy hedge for years to come.

Investing in the health and appearance of your hedge is not only a testament to your gardening skills but also a gift to your property and the community. So, roll up your sleeves, get planting, and watch your hedge flourish as it enhances the charm of your Ontario home.